23 giugno 2011

plains milky way

da Visioni carbonare, il timelapse della Via Lattea

Nel bel mezzo del Sud Dakota c'è una figura che si aggira di notte per la campagna. Armata della sua macchina fotografica, l'ombra notturna spara alle stelle. E la sua strada, così tracciata, diventa questo video da vedere assolutamente, meglio se a schermo intero.

Dopo il video, la descrizione dell'autore, Randy Halverson.

Su Dakotalapse.com, infine, potete trovare altre opere di Randy.

During the month of May, I shot Milky Way timelapse in central South Dakota, when I had the time, and the weather cooperated. The biggest challenge was cloudy nights and the wind. There were very few nights, when I could shoot, that were perfectly clear, and often the wind was blowing 25mph +. That made it hard to get the shots I wanted. I kept most of the shots low to the ground, so the wind wouldn't catch the setup and cause camera shake, or blow it over. I used a Stage Zero Dolly on the dolly shots and a "Milapse" mount on the panning ones. 
This was all shot at night. If you see stars and it looks like daylight, it is actually moon light. 20+ second exposures make it look like daylight.
Canon 60D and T2iTokina 11-16Sigma 20mm F1.8Tamron 17-50
Dynamic Perception Stage Zero Dolly dynamicperception.com
Shot in RAW format, the Milky Way shots were 30 seconds exposure F2.8 or F1.8 with 2 second interval between shots, for 3-4 hours run time. ISO 1600
Ten seconds of the video is about 2 hours 20 minutes in real time.

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